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Industry News

General Requirements and Regulations for Prefab House

29 Mar, 2024

1. Safety:

Structural Integrity: Adhere to national building codes, such as the International Building Code (IBC) in the United States, which outlines structural load requirements for wind, snow, and seismic activity. Employ qualified structural engineers to ensure the activity house can withstand these loads, considering factors like:

Dead load: Weight of the structure itself (walls, roof, framing).

Live load: Occupancy weight (furniture, equipment, people).

Environmental loads: Wind, snow, seismic activity (based on local historical data).

Fire Safety: Utilize fire-resistant materials like galvanized steel sheets, rockwool insulation, and fire-rated doors and windows.

Implement fire suppression systems like sprinklers or fire alarms as mandated by local regulations.

Electrical Safety: Comply with National Electrical Code (NEC) standards in the US or equivalent regulations in other countries. This includes:

Utilizing qualified electricians for installation and maintenance.

Employing proper grounding, surge protection, and circuit breakers.

Using appropriate cable types and sizes for intended loads.

2. Functionality and Habitability:

Size and Layout: Design the activity house based on the intended use (office, temporary housing, storage) and adhere to local space requirements for such structures.

Consider factors like:

Number of occupants

Workflow needs

Accessibility requirements

Interior Design: Ensure compliance with relevant health and safety regulations for indoor environments, including:

Ventilation: Provide adequate natural or mechanical ventilation to maintain good air quality (e.g., 15 cubic feet per minute per person in the US).

Lighting: Install appropriate lighting fixtures to meet task-specific needs and comply with illumination standards (e.g., minimum 50-foot candles for office work).

Thermal Comfort: Utilize insulation materials and climate control systems (heating/cooling) to maintain comfortable temperatures (e.g., 68-78°F for most occupants).

3. Sustainability:

Material Selection: Opt for eco-friendly materials like recycled steel, sustainable wood products, and energy-efficient insulation whenever possible.

Resource Efficiency: Implement water-saving fixtures, energy-efficient appliances, and natural lighting strategies to reduce the environmental impact of the activity house.

End-of-Life Considerations: Design the activity house for disassembly and recyclability to minimize waste during demolition or relocation.

Case Study: Optimizing Activity House Roof Design for Structural Performance and Energy Efficiency

A real-world example: a manufacturer conducted a study to optimize the roof design of their activity houses for both structural strength and energy efficiency. They compared the performance of different roof configurations (e.g., truss types, insulation thicknesses) using building information modeling (BIM) software and finite element analysis (FEA) simulations. This analysis allowed them to:

Reduce material usage: By identifying optimal structural configurations, they minimized the amount of steel or wood needed in the roof structure without compromising its load-bearing capacity.

Enhance thermal performance: By evaluating different insulation materials and thicknesses, they selected the most energy-efficient option for the specific climate zone, reducing heating and cooling demands.

Continual Improvement and Innovation:

As a prefab house manufacturer in this industry, PTH always staying updated on the latest regulations, material advancements, and construction techniques is crucial.

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