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Industry News

Why Develop Modular Houses?

25 Apr, 2023

Modularity is usually used in the computer field. Modular house is to decompose the complex house structure into various components. After decomposition, the difficulty of structural construction can be effectively reduced. In the housing industry, the modularization of the house structure can significantly increase the construction speed of the house project. It is only necessary to clarify the construction sequence of the house project, and then assemble them one by one. This new housing model can quickly promote the development of housing construction technology in China.

Why develop modular houses?

The continuous development of the social economy has had a profound impact on all aspects of life, and put forward higher requirements on all aspects of housing. The diversity of housing models can play a very important role in promoting the development of the housing industry. Modular housing is a new model of housing, and its application prospects are very broad. Due to the possible damage caused by traditional brick-concrete structures to cultivated land, relevant policies have clearly stipulated that clay bricks cannot be used in houses. In this case, the new house model has achieved further development due to its technical superiority.

At present, my country’s housing industry is developing rapidly, and the market has a large demand for housing. However, due to the long construction period of traditional housing construction technology, it cannot meet the current housing needs of Chinese residents, and due to the sustainable development strategy formulated by my country Higher requirements are put forward for the consumption of environmental resources during the construction of ground-based houses, so it is very necessary to develop and promote modular houses.

PTH is a professional modular house factory, providing customers with high-quality project services. Welcome to choose us.

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