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PTH Participated in the International Builders' Show in America

25 Apr, 2023

As an expert of integrated housing solution, PTH participated in the International Builders' Show in America (IBS) from Jan 10 to 12, 2017.




International Builders' Show (IBS) is the world's most influential building materials exhibition. This annual exhibition is hosted by the  National Housing Construction Association which is the largest construction association in America and has 200,000 member units. IBS gradually grow into an important trading platform to enter the US and North American market in construction industry. The exhibition is the best window for enterprises in construction industry to display new products, confirm new agent, and publish new information. Exhibitors can display their technology, materials and services by panoramas. And visitors can scan the business card onsite to send related product inquiries.







PTH participated in the exhibition together with MIC. During the three-day exhibition period, the living container, light steel villa, steel structure products of PTH were popular with IBS. More than 100 business cards were exchanged and inquiries mostly came from North America, Central and South America. It is learned from PTH R & D department that the latest research and development of dual-C frame system and ALC wall & floor system had also made great success in 2016, and the sample house has been successfully completed. It will bring a new era of environmental protection and economy for integrated housing industry.






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